
Christians dagbok – 2011-01-28

Dagens nätaktivitet för 2011-01-28

generic (feed #21)
Posted testar yo.
Intressant RT @cdaven: Grymt bra analysverktyg: PHP Mess Detector http://phpmd.org [bolstad]
@Macfeast @hejg Vad är ett ’korvparty’? Något osedligt? [bolstad]
RT @friatidningar: RT @SultanAlQassemi: Al Jazeera correspondent is confirming that there is "No police presence in Alexandria Governat … [bolstad]
@THE_REAL_WILLE Åh, intressant koncept. #korvparty [bolstad]
Norska TU kräver presstöd för nätmedier http://bit.ly/enlp4Z [bolstad]
RT @mpawlo: 88% of #Egypt citizens can no longer go online. So they went to the streets instead. #Jan25 #censorship [bolstad]
RT @medierna: Även Sveriges Radio skapar läck-sajt: Radioleaks. Pressmeddelande kom alldeles nyss: http://bit.ly/fA7Z4h [bolstad]
RT @englunderik: Polisen tog sig just in i Al Jazeeras hotellrum där man sänder live från upprorets Kairo. http://english.aljazeera.net/ … [bolstad]
RT @lillerik: Nu finns Roxettes officiella iPhone-app i appstore http://mobileroadie.com/apps/roxette [bolstad]
RT @stephenfry: Calling all nerds and those with tech savvy and a love of open democracy. Here’s how to do something for Egypt! http://f … [bolstad]
Posted Access.
RT @niklassvensson: AP rapporterar nu att utrikesdepartementet i Kairo har stormats. #25jan #Egypt #svpol [bolstad]
Egypt turns off internet, Lieberman wants same option for US http://t.co/BLaqkeC [bolstad]
RT @telecomix: We are now providing dialup modem service at +46850009990. user/pass: telecomix/telecomix (only for #egypt, respect that … [bolstad]
RT @telecomix: RT @calixte/@nblr Most of the fibers from Europe to Asia and parts of Africa pass Egypt: https://nibbler.de/attic/eg-fibe … [bolstad]
RT @telecomix: repeat. #telecomix #hamradio activists are reviecing signal in morse code from egypt. when countries block web we evolve. … [bolstad]
Intressant RT @cdaven: Grymt bra analysverktyg: PHP Mess Detector http://phpmd.org [bolstad]
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